Citarum Repair with BOI and Coca-Cola Foundation - RiverRecycle
RiverRecycle team at work removing waste from riverRiverRecycle team at work removing waste from river

Citarum Repair with BOI and Coca-Cola Foundation

Bandung, Indonesia 2021

collecting up to 2500 Kg/day

Recycling capacity 330.000 Kg/year


The project started in 2021 with the site’s designation at Saguling Cihampelas, within the operational area of the local NGO Bening Saguling Foundation (BSF). RiverRecycle is responsible for the installation of their solar-powered river cleaning technology. The community outreach is organized by Greeneration Foundation with education on responsible waste management at household and village levels and awareness of environmental protection. Waste4Change supplies complete waste sorting and processing operations in the frame of the 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle).

BSF became the local site partner to the project, supporting the waste collection site and the local workforce needed for RR, GF, and W4C operations. The project currently employs 15 people as operational personnel and provides income for more than 30 locals involved in activities related to the project.

Citarum River – Bandung

Coca-Cola Foundation
Benioff Ocean Initiative
Finnish Foreign Ministry

Facilitation Consortium
Indonesia Power

Project timeline


Starting of the pilot

The pilot began when we prepared the site for the installation of the river cleaning technology.


Installing river cleaning tech

After delays due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the devices were finally installed and tested for operation.


Starting of the pilot

The pilot’s successful results enticed the Coca-Cola Foundation and BOI to allocate further budgets to build a plastic board production facility.


Official inauguration

In February 2023, the trial phases ended with the official inauguration of the project by local Indonesian and Finnish dignitaries.

Financial sustainability

In 2023, RiverRecycle took the main control of the operations. The revenues from plastic credits finance the river cleaning operations. This success prompted the Coca-Cola Foundation and BOI to sponsor the project further.


RiverRecycle Boards

Up to 80% of the plastic collected from the river is low-value plastic (LVP), which has nearly no demand or market and is difficult to recycle. The Plastic Board Production will convert LVP into boards for construction and the furniture industry.